Spring clean your home and life

Spring clean your home and life

What you need: You & Your planner!

Spring is here! It's time to clean up your life and what better way to celebrate the season than by giving your life a thorough cleaning? Let's make this season the best one yet!

In this post, we'll cover how to Spring clean your entire life in 4 steps! From cleaning up your home to your digital life, and everything in between.


Cleaning your home is the first step in Spring cleaning. The way your space looks and feels is a representation of how your mind feels. This means deep cleaning every room, from top to bottom. Start by decluttering, which involves going through each room and getting rid of anything you no longer need or use. A great way to determine if it should be kept or thrown out is by asking yourself if you’ve used it in the last year.


Next, dust, vacuum, and mop every surface, including ceilings, walls, and floors. Don't forget to clean your windows and window sills as well. To make the process easier, consider using a planner to create a cleaning schedule. This will help you break down the tasks into manageable chunks and ensure that you don't miss anything. Break up your spaces, by assigning yourself a different room to tackle each day. That way you aren’t overwhelmed thinking about cleaning your entire house and how it will never get done.

organize your home


Cleaning up your life means taking a closer look at your daily habits and routines. Are there things you could be doing differently to improve your overall health and well-being? For example, maybe you could start incorporating daily exercise into your routine or eating healthier foods. To help you get started, create a checklist of healthy habits you want to incorporate into your life. This could include things like drinking more water, setting aside time for self-care, meditating for 10 minutes a day, or getting enough sleep each night. Use your planner to schedule these activities into your day-to-day life and hold yourself accountable.

clean up your mindset


Digitally cleaning through your life In today's digital age, it's important to clean up your digital life as well. This means purging your email inbox of old messages, reviewing and organizing old photos, and deleting unnecessary apps from your phone. To start, create a digital cleaning checklist. This could include things like unsubscribing from email newsletters you no longer read, backing up important files to the cloud, and deleting apps you haven't used in months. Use your planner to schedule specific times for each of these tasks, and be sure to set reminders to keep yourself on track.

digital lifestyle

YOU CAN DO IT! By following these steps, you can SPRING back into the lifestyle you want to live! Take it step by step, and don’t get overwhelmed by the whole picture. The key is to break it up into manageable pieces so the whole task doesn’t seem too daunting or overwhelming. By checking off one thing a day, and making small progressions, you will get closer and closer to your goal. Enjoy each step of the process and know how amazing you’re going to feel when it’s all done!

Written By Gabrielle Giudici
Images Credit: Pinterest
She is Page is a planner stationery business 

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