My Weekly Routine as a Student

My Weekly Routine as a Student

On Sundays I like to sleep in and enjoy my last day of the weekend and enjoy a nice cup of coffee when I wake up. To make sure I have everything in order for the week, I take out my planner and spend a chunk of the day filling in what I have planned for the week and little things here and there. Most of the day I relax and get some homework and studying done or watch a good movie.


Mondays. They aren’t as bad as they seem. For me, I have a long day on Mondays with back to back classes and work, but I make the most of it. I wake up early and check my planner to see what times I have classes and make sure I got all my homework done. After all my classes I go back to my dorm and finish any homework I had left and hang out with my friends until it's time to go to bed, put on my show, and sleep.

Tuesdays. Okay we got through Monday, now it’s smooth sailing from here. Same as any weekday, wake up, have coffee, check my planner, go to class. Tuesdays are easier for me because I only have one class. Then I have the rest of the day to catch up on any work, relax, go to the gym, pretty much do anything with the free time.

Wednesdays. Weeks halfway over. I have no classes on Wednesdays besides work so I usually just hang out all day, go to work, and relax with my friends. On Wednesdays my friends and I usually do a family dinner and make a full meal in our dorms and go get dessert after, something to look forward to mid week. 

Thursday. We made it to the start of college weekend!! On Thursdays I have two back to back classes, so I wake up early and check my planner so I know when my classes are and what homework I have for the weekend because I usually like to get all my homework done beforehand so I don't stress. After classes I come home and get the homework out of the way, eat some dinner, and now it’s time to party. 

Friday. By Friday I’m already on weekend time, although I have one easy class. If I did not get all my homework done on Thursday, which usually happens, I get that done before my class so once class is over I can spend my free time however I’d like. 

Saturday. All day to relax with no stress or plans and I’m able to do whatever I want. Usually on Saturdays I’ll sleep in and then find my friends in the morning and see what they want to do today. Sometimes it’s going for a hike, shopping, walking around campus, anything really. Nothing to worry about and nothing to do, just how I like it. At the end of the day I get ready for bed and open my planner to a new week and am ready for Sunday again. 

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